in YeongWol
Youth-led Urban Regeneration


2019 International Youth Day

Urban Peace

YOUTH WEEK 2017 in Korea 

Youth-led Sustainable Development Goals

Youth-led Urban Regeneration 

SDGs CAMP 2019 

SDG Camp will be held in YeongWol, South Korea on the theme “Youth-led Urban Regeneration ”, participants will be able to experience various culture in Yeongwol. Yeongwol is a tourism destination that offers not only its beautiful scenery, but also abundance of cultural traditions inherited through generations as its local wisdom. This event includes the learning programme of culture and Urban Regeneration in a week. Within this intensive period, the participants will stay, do activities and mingle with the local people. While having a time with them, participants will have the opportunity to study SDGs.

The world is changing. So do young generations.

 SDGs Camp is an event purposely organized for youths who care about the Urban Regeneration, also have intention to do a concrete effort to preserve nature. This event will also connect them as young leaders around the world with the same passion in Urban Regeneration issues and similar projects to solve problems in their community.

SDGs CAMP 2019 takes the theme “Youth and Urban Regeneration”, and particularly focuses on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) no. 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals) . This will include assessment of progress on these core challenges of our world, while also exploring new opportunities to advance these issues through the lens of youth.


2019 July 24th ~  25th


YeongWol, Cistar Resort


-Join the main program: Inspirational and SDGs orientation

-SDGs workshop,cultural exchange and networking

-Camp in the beautiful YeongWol City


-Local transport (Hapjung Station- YeongWol)

-YeongWol City Tour



-Youth age between 17 – 30 years’ old

-Good Communication and knowledge

-Having a good personality and attitude

-Aware of social empathy

-No need English Practice



Class name

Training Contents

   24th July @Hapjung Station Gate No.2 - 7am 


Visit Yongwol city

Youth Urban Regeneration Forum

Yeongwol Tour

 Urban Regeneration Workshop




Sitting with group and presentation

Seoul Hapjung

SDGs case study through YeongWol City Urban Regeneration Youth Urban Regeneration Forum 

includes programs that can help participants understand the program in general and training on the most needed projects within the dispatch process.

After team building time with colleagues who will participate in the dispatching period, they will be given opportunity to practice in connection with training participation.

 Group Presentation for Youth and Urban Regeneration 


* Privacy Policy *

The blank below means "I agree."

신청 기간이 마감된 페이지 입니다. 관리자에게 문의해 주세요.

응답기간: 2019-07-06 - 2019-07-21

In case that Participants -exhibitors, visitors, and other concerned parties- acquire personal information through this exhibition, Participants shall observe the Personal Information Protection Law and related laws and regulations.

1. Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

A. YOUTHNOW, Organiser of this exhibition, shall collect and use personal information of Participants for the purpose of establishing and implementing contracts for the provision of services(Identification, Confirmation, etc.), announcing(providing) new services, exhibitions, or events, and managing Participants.
B. Organizer advertises a variety of services by e-mail, Short Message Service, and so on, using personal information provided by Participants. In case that Participant do not want it, the Participant shall inform Organizer of its refusal by telephone.
C. Organizer shall not use personal information for any other purpose except for Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information or offer it without the consent of Participants.
D. Provision of collecting personal information is below. Organizer shall collect personal information at a minimum to provide services, but can request additional information if it is necessary. Organizer is provided following information as requirements in case of online application and pre-registration. Other personal information except for below one is optional.
- Visitor: name, cellular phone number, e-mail, company/orgnization, Official position,
E. Organizer must gain consent in case of collecting personal information, and must not collect information having a risk of violating basic human rights -race, native place, ideology, political orientation, criminal record, health condition, etc.- unless Participants’ consent or specific case by law.
F. Organizer collects personal information in following ways; web site, telephone, e-mail, online application, online pre-registration, onsite registration card, applying for on/offline event.

2. Retention Period and Duration of Personal Information

In principle, Organizer maintain and use personal information provided by Participants only during the stipulated time. After the whole process and the stipulated time, the information shall be returned or destroyed without any delay.

3. Providing Personal Information with a Third Party and Consignment

A. Organizer use personal information of Participants only within the scope of 『Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information』, neither using the information beyond the scope without a prior consent nor providing it to a third party in principle. However, in the following cases shall assume exception:
- In case that Participants pre-open their personal information to the public or agree to provide them with a third party.
- In accordance with the provisions of laws, or in case that investigator and Korean authorities request personal information for the purpose of investigation or examination.
B. Organizer can consign personal information to a third party in order to provide improved services.
C.Organizer can consign management of personal information to a company operating registration of the exhibition.
D. In case of consignment, providing personal information shall be minimum for necessary for providing improved services.
E. In the following cases that Exhibitor is provided personal information, Exhibitor shall use it only for introduction of Exhibitor’s company and guidance of its product.
- In case that Visitor with pass card provides its information
- In case that Participant pre-registers on the Exhibition website through a banner of an Exhibitor’s company

Copyright ⓒ YOUTHNOW


2019 International Youth Day

Urban Peace

YOUTH WEEK 2017 in Korea 

Youth-led Sustainable Development Goals

Youth-led Urban Regeneration


YOUTHNOW is the UN-Habitat Official Partner working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.

Cities are facing unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, social and spatial challenges. There has been a phenomenal shift towards urbanization, with 6 out of every 10 people in the world expected to reside in urban areas by 2030. Over 90 percent of this growth will take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In the absence of effective urban planning, the consequences of this rapid urbanization will be dramatic. In many places around the world, the effects can already be felt: lack of proper housing and growth of slums, inadequate and outdated infrastructure – be it roads, public transport, water, sanitation, or electricity – escalating poverty and unemployment, safety and crime problems, pollution and health issues, as well as poorly managed natural or man-made disasters and other catastrophes due to the effects of climate change. Mindsets, policies, and approaches towards urbanization need to change in order for the growth of cities and urban areas to be turned into opportunities that will leave nobody behind.

SDGs CAMP 2019 - YeongWol

SDG Camp will be held in YeongWol, South Korea on the theme “Youth-led Urban Regeneration ”, participants will be able to experience various culture in Yeongwol. Yeongwol is a tourism destination that offers not only its beautiful scenery, but also abundance of cultural traditions inherited through generations as its local wisdom. This event includes the learning programme of culture and Urban Regeneration in a week. Within this intensive period, the participants will stay, do activities and mingle with the local people. While having a time with them, participants will have the opportunity to study SDGs.

The world is changing. So do young generations.

 SDGs Camp is an event purposely organized for youths who care about the Urban Regeneration, also have intention to do a concrete effort to preserve nature. This event will also connect them as young leaders around the world with the same passion in Urban Regeneration issues and similar projects to solve problems in their community.

SDGs CAMP 2019 takes the theme “Youth and Urban Regeneration”, and particularly focuses on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) no. 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). This will include assessment of progress on these core challenges of our world, while also exploring new opportunities to advance these issues through the lens of youth.


YeongWol, Cistar Resort


2019 July 24 ~ July 25


-Join the main program: Inspirational and SDGs orientation

-SDGs workshop,cultural exchange and networking

-Camp in the beautiful YeongWol City, South Korea


-Local transport (Hapjung Station- YeongWol)

-YeongWol City Tour



-Youth age between 17 – 30 years’ old

-Good Communication and knowledge

-Having a good personality and attitude

-Aware of social empathy

-No need English Practice



Class name

Training Contents

                              24th July @Hapjung Station Gate No.2 - 7am


Visit Yongwol city

Youth Urban Regeneration Forum

Yeongwol Tour

 Urban Regeneration Workshop



Sitting with group and presentation

Seoul Hapjung

 YeongWol City Youth Urban Regeneration Forum 

Programme help participants understand the program in general and train on the most needed projects within this process.

After the forum, participants have opportunity to expand the ideas for applicable to the YeongWol city. 

 Group Presentation for Youth and Urban Regeneration 


*Privacy Policy*

The blank below means "I Agree."

신청 기간이 마감된 페이지 입니다. 관리자에게 문의해 주세요.

응답기간: 2019-07-06 - 2019-07-21

In case that Participants -exhibitors, visitors, and other concerned parties- acquire personal information through this exhibition, Participants shall observe the Personal Information Protection Law and related laws and regulations.

1. Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

A. YOUTHNOW, Organiser of this exhibition, shall collect and use personal information of Participants for the purpose of establishing and implementing contracts for the provision of services(Identification, Confirmation, etc.), announcing(providing) new services, exhibitions, or events, and managing Participants.
B. Organizer advertises a variety of services by e-mail, Short Message Service, and so on, using personal information provided by Participants. In case that Participant do not want it, the Participant shall inform Organizer of its refusal by telephone.
C. Organizer shall not use personal information for any other purpose except for Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information or offer it without the consent of Participants.
D. Provision of collecting personal information is below. Organizer shall collect personal information at a minimum to provide services, but can request additional information if it is necessary. Organizer is provided following information as requirements in case of online application and pre-registration. Other personal information except for below one is optional.
- Visitor: name, cellular phone number, e-mail, company/orgnization, Official position,
E. Organizer must gain consent in case of collecting personal information, and must not collect information having a risk of violating basic human rights -race, native place, ideology, political orientation, criminal record, health condition, etc.- unless Participants’ consent or specific case by law.
F. Organizer collects personal information in following ways; web site, telephone, e-mail, online application, online pre-registration, onsite registration card, applying for on/offline event.

2. Retention Period and Duration of Personal Information

In principle, Organizer maintain and use personal information provided by Participants only during the stipulated time. After the whole process and the stipulated time, the information shall be returned or destroyed without any delay.

3. Providing Personal Information with a Third Party and Consignment

A. Organizer use personal information of Participants only within the scope of 『Provision and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information』, neither using the information beyond the scope without a prior consent nor providing it to a third party in principle. However, in the following cases shall assume exception:
- In case that Participants pre-open their personal information to the public or agree to provide them with a third party.
- In accordance with the provisions of laws, or in case that investigator and Korean authorities request personal information for the purpose of investigation or examination.
B. Organizer can consign personal information to a third party in order to provide improved services.
C.Organizer can consign management of personal information to a company operating registration of the exhibition.
D. In case of consignment, providing personal information shall be minimum for necessary for providing improved services.
E. In the following cases that Exhibitor is provided personal information, Exhibitor shall use it only for introduction of Exhibitor’s company and guidance of its product.
- In case that Visitor with pass card provides its information
- In case that Participant pre-registers on the Exhibition website through a banner of an Exhibitor’s company

Copyright ⓒ YOUTHNOW